Sexy Secretaries and Uniforms
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Sexy Secretaries in Stockings subscription is $25.93 per month. Your subscription automatically renews each month. When you make your purchase using Netbilling the charge will appear on your credit card statement as Rosedale Entertainment. Frequently Asked Questions... How Secure is it to pay by credit card? When you do cancel your subscription, your username and password will be removed from the system 30 days from the date of your last charge. I give you the full benefit of your subscription, no matter when you cancel. Do I get a refund if I cancel before 30 days? How often am I charged? My password is not working. What happened? Can I pay by check or money order? We never send anything to my members in the mail, nor do we sell membership lists to any companies. Our site depends on complete discretion. You will from time to time receive an e-mail from us confirming transaction receipts. If this is a problem, I suggest you set up an anonymous account at hotmail. Its easy and discrete and free. How much information do I really have to give? How does the charge appear on my credit card statement? How often is the site updated? |